Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not too shabby...

I did actually squeeze in some viewing (movie and otherwise) over the long weekend, although I bet none of it will end up being Oscar-worthy. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that!

On Sunday we spent like $100 to see 30 Minutes or Less (I am including one medium drink and one medium popcorn in that price). This movie stars Jesse Eisenberg as a slacker, pizza delivery boy. He is kidnapped on a delivery run and then armed with bomb vest and tasked to steal $100k from a local bank and convinces his estranged best friend (Aziz Ansari) to go a long for the ride. His kidnappers are played by Danny McBride and Nick Swardson (I know, best idea ever). Our friend who read some reviews before the movie read one that said something along the lines of, "if you like to laugh at funny things, then watch this movie." The movie is super-fun and ridiculous and has a lot of funny things at which to laugh. I was not disappointed at all and I was very entertained. What else can you ask for?

We then continued our Danny McBride Love Fest by watching the first season of Eastbound & Down. See above review. Super-raunchy, ridiculous, and just entertaining from start to finish. However, there is still meaningful character development for Kenny Powers and his brother (played by John Hawkes of Winter's Bone) as well as his sister-in-law. I hear the second season is currently streaming on Netflix.

And since we hadn't ingested enough just ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous media - we also took in Hot Tub Time Machine. This movie stars John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Chevy Chase, and Crispin Glover. It is about a hot tub that is a time machine, taking some of these men from some sort of present time to the '80's. Really fun, really clever, and I absolutely LOVED Clark Duke as Jacob/the voice of reason and normalcy. Or somewhat normal.

Overall, if you like laughing at funny, stupid, silly things - then you will like all of these things.


Mr. Harper Brackman said...

Dear Sir,
I respectfully disagree on Hot Tub Time Machine. The actors were better than the script, and it was rather a disappoint.
Thank you,
Mrs. John M. Carson

Maggie said...

Mrs. Carson,
I will say that lowered expectations really helped my enjoyment of this movie.