Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Droppin' some knowledge...

While perusing one of my favorite blogs this morning (Pop Candy) and reading my favorite daily post, The Early Buzz (a round-up of pop culture-related links), I stumbled upon this: "12 Oscar Contenders to Watch for" - just a little something to whet your appetite for the fall and the eventual awards season.

One movie not mentioned (I guess because it's not making the festival circuit) is Warrior. To me it seems like this year's The Wrestler or The Fighter. It stars Tom Hardy (who you'll remember from Inception and will also be taking a turn as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises) and Joel Edgerton (the best character in Animal Kingdom) as brothers who end up MMA-fighting each other. Nick Nolte stars as their father. I think it looks good.

Otherwise, I haven't been to the movies in about a hundred years. The husband and I did go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 and people (person?), let me tell you - it is good. It's beautiful and so respectful of the world J.K. Rowling created over 7-ish books. I really recommend it if you love Harry Potter. Totally excellent ending.

So what's the plan going forward now that I appear to never go to the movies ever? Well, hopefully to see one over the long weekend, even if it's some good, long weekend fluff.

What are you planning to see next?